Super Robot Wars T – A newcomer’s perspective

If there’s one long running series I really should love to bits, it’s Super Robot Wars. Strategy RPGs are my number one, all time favourite videogame genre, and I love robots of all sizes, especially giant ones, too! So why am I only just getting into this series in the year of its 30th anniversary?

Solatorobo: Red The Hunter – Big hands, you’re not quite the one

I’ve always been a little intrigued by CyberConnect’s  “Little Tail Bronx” series, which started with the cult 1998 PlayStation game Tail Concerto and established its steampunk world populated by anthropomorphic animals piloting personal mecha and airships. I’m not sure I ever truly understood exactly how the game played but the unique worldview always looked fun. So when I saw that the third main game in the series – a tactical RPG called Fuga: Melodies Of Steel – was about to be released, I decided to finally play the only game in the series I own, 2010’s Solatorobo: Red The Hunter.

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