Head Over Heels: A remake that’s long overdue a remake

Head Over Heels is the first game I remember really loving. Not just liking, but, as the title itself implies, completely falling in love with. Back in the late Eighties and early Nineties, my dad would occasionally give me a couple of quid and take me into a little games shop in Wakefield where I could choose any game I wanted. This early in life, I didn’t really have games magazines with which to make informed decisions and there wasn’t much word of mouth either. So choices were almost entirely made based on the packaging alone, and in the case of Head Over Heels it was the packaging that called out to me.

A Day In The Life – A surreal celebration of Sir Clive Sinclair

When Sir Clive Sinclair, inventor of the ZX Spectrum and father of the British games industry, passed away on 16th September 2021, I felt I really should mark his passing in the only way I know how… By playing a game he’s associated with and recording my rambling thoughts on it. But which Spectrum game to play? Though his hardware paved the way for a generation of creators, Uncle Clive himself was no game developer. Although he is one of the few games industry figureheads to star in one…

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